Montessori is a worldwide social movement intended to Champion the Cause of all Children.

On the 6th January 2007 it will be 100 years since Dr. Maria Montessori opened the first Casa dei Bambini in San Lorenzo – Montessori has been around for 100 years and is still going strong – this is something to celebrate!

The focus of the Montessori Centenary is a call to action – a call to reinvigorate the Montessori Movement, restoring it to its original dimensions, that of a social movement intended to Champion the Cause of all Children, in all strata of society, of all races and ethnic backgrounds, within and beyond the educational institutions.

The aim of the Centenary year will be to continue to fulfil Montessori’s core mission: To place all the children in our world at the centre of society and to assist them in becoming the transforming elements leading to a harmonious and peaceful humanity.

Become part of this enduring social movement.
Champion the Cause of all Children.


Visit the Centenary MESSAGE BOARD for updates of Centenary happenings

Let us know what you have planned

We thank the following Official Centenary Partners for their sponsorship of the Centenary initiative.
Nienhuis Gonzagarredi Matsumoto