
Montessori education, based upon the scientific discoveries and observations made by Dr. Maria Montessori, is an approach to human development designed to support the development of every child's full potential. It is often referred to as "Education as an Aid to Life".  Montessori educational programs are offered for children from birth to maturity.  Montessori professionals also work to support the needs of children outside the classroom setting, with a particular emphasis on parent education and community outreach programmes.

Montessori is the single largest pedagogy in the world, with over 8,000 schools spanning six continents. 

The Montessori Movement is recognised to have begun on 6 January 1907 when Dr. Montessori opened the first Casa dei Bambini (Children's House) in Rome.  Since that time Montessorians have worked across the globe to Champion the Cause of all Children

The main focus of the Montessori approach is to realise Dr. Montessori’s ultimate aim: to place all the children in our world at the centre of society and to assist them in becoming the transforming elements leading to a harmonious and peaceful humanity.

Photograph of the first Casa dei Bambini taken on the day
of it's inauguratuon, 6 January 1907, San Lorenzo, Rome.